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How to identify and correct certificate and CRL related errors in 8.1 and later. Status codes/errors: hung jobs, offline media servers, 13, 7625, 7660
How to identify and correct certificate and CRL related errors in 8.1Article: 100039941
Last Published: 2017-09-15
Ratings: 9 1
Product(s): NetBackupProblemCorruption of files can occur due to unexpected system events, su
NetBackup 8.1 and above, master server loses connectivity to the media servers for no apparent reason
NetBackup 8.1 and above, master server loses connectivity to the media servers for no apparent reason. The media servers can be any supported version of NetBackup, the ability to communicate to the master is possible (via ssh, t
Unable to login to the NetBackup Administration Console, and the following error message is displayed: Unable to login, status:7656
At times, you may be unable to login to the NetBackup Administration Console, and the following error message is displayed:
Unable to login, status:7656.
Lupa PIN Kids Mode pada Android
Matikan HP.
Hidupkan lagi dengan menekan tombol "Power" bersama-sama tombol untuk "Mengecilkan volume".
HP akan hidup dalam "Safe Mode". Kata "Safe Mode" muncul di kiri bawah.
Buka "Setting&am
NetBackup 8.1.2 Administration Training: Introduction Video
Acquire the skills to make your data protection strategy successful with the Veritas NetBackup 8.1.2: Administration course. You will learn the general principles, config
protocol error: mtime.sec not present
scp from client machine:
[student@station1-example-com ~]$ scp .'s password:
protocol error: mtime.sec not present
If the web UI on a master server does not display
Tips for accessing the NetBackup web UI
When NetBackup is properly configured, you can access the master server at the following URL:
If the web UI on a master server does not display
Oracle Learning Paths
Oracle University learning paths are tailored to job roles so you can see at a glance the courses that are recommended for a specific role. Each path suggests a sequence of courses that provide the knowledge and skills needed for on-the-job expertise.
Courses in the Veritas Education NetBackup curriculum
Visit the training Web site at for more details, including
additional NetBackup courses.
Aplikasi Pelaporan dan Perizinan Bakan Bakar Nabati ESDM
Optima telah menyelesaikan Aplikasi Pelaporan dan Perizinan Bakan Bakar Nabati untuk Direktorat EBTKE Kementerian ESDM
Install Adobe Air in Ubuntu 14.04/14.10/12.04/Linux Mint 17/13
The Adobe Air runtime enables developers to package the same code into native apps for desktop operating systems as well as for smartphone such as Android devices, iPhone, iPad, Kindle Fire, Nook Tablet, and other devices, reaching the mobile app stores
Install WineHQ version 1.7.26 in Ubuntu/Linux Mint
Install Wine 1.7.26 in Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty/14.10/12.04 Precise/Linux Mint 17/13/and other Ubuntu derivatives
Cloud Security in an Agile World
The conversation of “Why Cloud?” has long since passed for many businesses and the question has transitioned into “How Cloud?” and “Is it safe?” The value the cloud brings to a business is measured in many different way
Remote exploit vulnerability in bash CVE-2014-6271
A remotely exploitable vulnerability has been discovered by Stephane Chazelas in bash on Linux and it is unpleasant. The vulnerability has the CVE identifier CVE-2014-6271 and has been given the name Shellshock by some. This affects Debian as we
Google Rewards Secure Websites with Higher Search Ranking
Good news! Google’s new search ranking algorithm will look more favorably on websites that use HTTPS by default. The search giant hopes the move will encourage businesses to implement HTTPS encryption. It will be a win for both websites an
Merubah timezone WIT menjadi WIB output perintah date di Solaris
# date
Fri May 14 15:10:08 WIT 2010
# vi /usr/share/lib/zoneinfo/src/asia
# zic asia
# date
Fri May 14 15:40:00 WIB 2010
NetBackup Bare Metal Server 6.5 Step by Step
Install NetBackup Master, Media Server, and Clients.
Install Bare Metas Server on the NetBackup Master Server.
Install Bare Metal Boot Server on the NetBackup Master Server or a dedicated server.
Prasyarat Clustering
Redundansi Hardware dan infrastruktur
Semua failover menyebabkan beberapa jenis gangguan pada klien.
Persyaratan aplikasi untuk clustering
Persyaratan yang paling penting bagi aplikasi agar dapat berjalan dalam cluster adalah toleransi terhadap crash dan independen terhadap host.
Failover lokal dan global pada global cluster
Dalam lingkungan global cluster, layanan aplikasi umumnya highly available dalam cluster lokal, sehingga fault pertama kali ditangani oleh perangkat lunak HA, yang melakukan failover lokal.
Failover layanan aplikasi lokal
Software manajemen Cluster melakukan serangkaian pekerjaan agar klien-klien dapat mengakses layanan pada server lain jika terjada kerusakan.
Layanan aplikasi yang High Availabile
Layanan aplikasi adalah sekumpulan komponen hardware dan software yang diperlukan untuk memberikan layanan, seperti situs Web, yang dapat diakses oleh end user dengan menghubungi ke alamat IP jaringan tertentu atau nama host.
Konfigurasi Campus cluster dan global cluster
Konfigurasi Cluster yang memungkinkan data yang digandakan antara beberapa lokasi fisik untuk melindungi terhadap permasalahan di suatu lokasi
Campus clusters
Campus clusters atau stretch cluster adalah satu cluster membenta
Konfigurasi local cluster
Tergantung pada solusi cluster Anda, Anda mungkin dapat menerapkan berbagai konfigurasi, memungkinkan Anda untuk menggunakan solusi cluster terbaik sesuai kebutuhan HA Anda dan memanfaatkan hardware yang telah ada.
konsep Clustering
Terminologi cluster artinya beberapa sistem independen yang terhubung ke suatu management framework.
Konsep high availability
High availability
Data center dapat mengimplementasikan berbagai tingkat availability tergantung pada persyaratan avalability yang mereka inginkan
Desain Cluster
Contoh Input desain Cluster
Sebuah desain VCS dapat disajikan dalam berbagai format dengan berbagai tingkatan detil.
Advantage/Difference of Image Copy over Backup Set
•RMAN supports binary compression of backup sets, where the backup set contents are compressed before being written to disk using a compression algorithm tuned for compression of datafiles and archived log files.
Symantec Certification Program
Why Get Certified?
Did you know that 76% of candidates and recruiters verified that Symantec Certification was discussed as part of the hiring process?
Telegram, mobile messenger yang populer di Android dan iOS, sekarang hadir di Ubuntu 14.04!
Bisa digunakan juga di Windows, dan juga dengan web browser.
Maktabah Syamilah di Ubuntu 14.04
Linux Ubuntu adalah free operating system, dan bisa digunakan untuk menjalankan aplikasi windows.
Bug Attributes Type B
Defect Fixed in Product Version Severity 2 - Severe Loss of Service
Product Version SOLARIS_11U1
Status 25 - Open, Awaiting Code/Hardware Review
Platform 267 - Oracle Solaris on x86-64 (64-bit)
Ini Cara "Nge-charge" Smartphone yang Benar
Smartphone bisa digunakan untuk membantu mengerjakan banyak hal, mulai dari mengecek e-mail, membaca berita, memotret, hingga aktivitas dengan berbagai media sosial dan pesan instan. Sayangnya, dengan banyak fungsi tersebut, umur baterai masih menjadi ken